15. If a player gets thrown out of a game, that team has to have someone to replace that player that hasn't played in that game. If someone is thrown out and the team has no one to replace that player, that team will forfeit the game. No Exceptions.
16. If a team loses a player during the game because of an injury or because a player has to leave a game and there is no one to replace that player, that position in the batting order will be an automatic out, when that batter's time at bat comes up. You must always field at least nine players.
17. Any player that is a designated hitter (DH: a player batting in the place of one of the fielders) or an Extra hitter )EH: an extra hitter in the order who isn't fielding) can substitute with any fielder during the game. That fielder would then become the DH or EH but would not change positions in the batting order.
18. Re-entry rule: Mike starts the game as the second basemen. Tom starts the game on the bench. In the third inning, Tom goes into the game for Mike (either batting for him or playing second base), at any time after that, Mike can go back inton the game for Tom and only Tom (either re-entering for him or batting for him). Tom is now done for the game.
19. Steve Shaughnessy will be in charge of calling games off. They will call the managers of each team by 5:15 if the game is called off, and only if the game is called off. It is then the responsibility of the manager to call his players. If you don't hear from them by 5:15, then you should assume that the game is still on. If there is a chance to play, we will play.
20. Each team will play twenty (20) games.
21. If there is a tie in the standings at the end of the regular season, the higher seed will go to the team that won the head-to-head series during the season. If the teams split the regular season series, then the higher seed will be determined by a coin flip. The only exception to this rule would be if there was a tie for first place. If a tie should occur for first place, then there will be a one game playoff for first place. A coin flip will determine the home team for the one game playoff.
22. Any team forfeiting three (3) games during the regular season is out of the league. This includes forfiets in which someone gets thrown out of a game.
23. Any regularly scheduled game suspended because of rain or anything else, except for a forfeit, before 4.5 innings, shall be rescheduled and played as a new game. Anything after 4 or 4.5 innings (depending upon who the home team is) shall be a complete game. All playoff games must complete seven innings. If because of rain, the game is stopped, it will have to be completed at the next possible date. The game will not be started over.
24. Any rule not mentioned will be to the discretion of the umpire at any game.
25. Any rule found here is to be carried over to the playoffs unless otherwise noted.
26. If you cannot field a team, you need to contact the league ONE WEEK in advance of the scheduled game. Anything inside of a week will result in a forfeit.
27. The Board of Directors will set the playoff schedule at the start of each ROUND. The schedule cannot be changed regardless of any concerns.
28. Managers will inspect opponents bats prior to the start of a game. If a bat is not ASA certified, bat will be thrown out of game.
29. Anyone found fighting at any point (before, during, or after) a game, including throwing a punch, will be suspended for the remainder of the year.
30. Courtesy Runner: Courtesy runners should be declared before the start of the game by each manager. A player who will require a courtesy runner can
only get as far as first base with the following exceptions: homerun,
ground rule double, thrown ball out of play.